West and the East after the fall of the Berlin Wall

It’s been thirty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, from that November day when East Germany announced the opening of the “frontierbetween East and West Berlin.

Historians fix 1991 as the end of the Cold War, tying it to the fact that it’s in the December of that year that the Soviet Union dissolves, and a world divided at the end of World War II in two blocks ends. For more than forty years two very distinct ideologies, capitalist and communist, have been contraposed.

United States and Soviet Union spent all that time trying to make their system better than the other, or at least more appealing.

They did it with different strategies: USSR with a defensive stance, because while Stalin was convinced Communism would have won and taken Capitalism’s place, he knew very well that the Western model wasn’t facing a crisis, because the USA had a precise goal: bring wealth in the whole world and warrant their own safety.

What has Berlin to do with this fight between super powers?

Germany is the neuralgic point of Cold War, because inside the soviet area of influence, there’s a small American influence, West Berlin.

For Stalin this in unacceptable and in 1984 he blocks the passage between East and West Berlin. The logic is that of the Domino Effect: you lose Berlin, you lose Europe, you lose the world.

Is following this logic that Truman in 1950 intervenes in aid of South Korea when the country is attacked by North Korea.

 In every small crisis there’s a potential world crisis.

The USA are worried  of a possible future supremacy of the Soviet Union, which instead fears the current American hegemony on all the areas of the world not occupied by the Red Army.
When the Cold War ends, the world cannot be the same again: everything has changed, there are no more references because they dissolved, all maps have to be modified..

The end of the Cold War turns out to be not only the end of an era for eastern Europe, but for the whole world.

West and East after the Berlin Wall fall

How does humanity interpret themselves after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War? In many ways.
It’s from the beginning of the ’90 that we can observe an increasing disintegration of multicultural groups.

Where does Catholic Christianity ends, and where does the Orthodox one begins?

In the Orthodox bloc, Russia assumes the central position, surrounded by Islamic bearing countries, like Kazakhstan and Turkey. The Sinic pole recognizes again the Chinese hegemony.

Concerning Islam, one question remains: which country leads the way? Religion is the only big cohesion factor, Ummah (community) is more important than nation, and there are many different countries that want to take the lead, but they all lack “something”: Indonesia is dislocated, Egypt is poor and tied to the USA, everyone in Iran is Shiites, Pakistan is poor, Turkey is not predominantly Islamic and Saudi Arabia depends on the West.

What changed and how is the world constantly changing after the Cold War?

There’s a strength that seems to be the foundation of all cohesion or disintegration processes and conflicts that characterize the whole world after the Cold War: culture.

The clash between civilizations would replace, this  way, the clash between superpowers.

Leaving ideals left for dead, humanity is looking for a new enemy to define itself.

Culture takes the role of aggregating or disruptive force.

And that’s how a new multipolar scenery develops, made out of seven or eight civilizations, and not bipolar like it was from 1947 to 1991.

A world with new classifications and ways of telling one’s story:

Member states, that are perfectly integrated in a civilization;
Guide states, for example the USA for Western Civilization;
Divided states, like Africa where civilizations are different and hard to unify;
Poised states, or those states that have a predominant culture and belong to a civilization, but are situated in a different one by their leaders. For example Australia trying to “go asian” in the ’90, failing because of iots western legacy, or Turkey joining the western front against URSS, and not being able to join European Union because of its excessively conservative leader.

Today what defines us are not big ideologies of old, they are still present but they don’t have the same key role they served in the Cold War.

Man in this turn of the century still needs an ‘Adversative identity’, he recognizes himself and understand himself only if he recognizes diversity from another: I’m me because I’m different than you.

A universal civilization, at this time, doesn’t seem to be able to be born, because:
There can be no universal religion,
There can be no universal language (even if we keep on trying with English, that might be a communication instrument, but can’t be an identity instrument).

And thinking about globalization, it’s not the answer or the solution, globalization it’s not a synonym of cultural aggregation or especially universal identity.

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Come mai Cuba manda le brigadas médicas in aiuto agli altri gratuitamente

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La pandemia in giro per il mondo/Il Coronavirus, visto da l'Avana

Nemmeno in un periodo di conclamata pandemia l'America di Trump ha allentato l'embargo. Nonostante le difficoltà l' Avana continua a mandare i suoi medici cubani in mezzo mondo appestato dal Covid-19 tra cui l' Italia.  I medici che compongono la brigada provengono da una istituzione di eccellenza che forma medici provenienti da tutta l’America latina e dall’Africa. L'istituzione nata nel 1999, ha il chiaro obiettivo di formare una classe medica di alto livello nei paesi sottosviluppati ed in via di sviluppo, che sia anche in grado di rispondere alle sfide globali come le catastrofi ambientali e le pandemie.

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«Mi sento colpevole di essere sopravvissuto al Covid-19»

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La pandemia in giro per il mondo/Il Coronavirus, visto da New York City

Sono ossessionato dal rimorso, poichè quale cittadino di New York City essendo tra i primi portatori del famigerato virus  temo di aver infettato più di una persona, anzi credo di aver contribuito alla strage dei newyorkesi. Sì è ufficiale, ho il certificato del medico, sono una delle prime persone negli Usa  ad aver  contratto il Covid-19. Quando me l'hanno confermato mi sono sentito come se mi avessero strappato il cuore con  un artiglio invisibile, lo sfortunato vincitore di  una indecifrabile lotteria.

di Daniel Goldstein

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Nella Svezia di Greta Thunberg tra i morti di Covid-19 e un monte di balle

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La pandemia in giro per il mondo/Il Coronavirus, visto da Malmö

La Svezia ha sbagliato e a dirlo sono i dati, drammatici, delle vittime. Il record dei decessi da COVID-19 è a dir poco raccapricciante: 43 vittime per 100 mila abitanti. Le autorità svedesi hanno annunciato, nell’ultimo bollettino di mercoledì 3 giugno, la morte di altre 65 persone a causa del coronavirus, portando la cifra provvisoria delle vittime a 4.468. Il bilancio dei contagi si aggira intorno ai 38.500. La colpa dell’elevato tasso di mortalità prodotto dal COVID-19 è da attribuire alle leggerissime misure di restrizione (per la verità quasi nulle) adottate dal governo svedese.

di Laura Menti

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In Italia è casa popolare, sociale in Germania. Non è una differenza soltanto di aggettivi

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A guardar bene la questione della casa è davvero culturale, perchè con essa si misura il grado di civiltà di una nazione anche sul come dorme il suo cittadino.

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Sono le Griffe milanesi che de-americanizzano l'Europa

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Dopo le ultime "Trumpate" Europa e Usa si separano politicamente, militarmente e anche dal punto di vista culturale. Gli stilisti (chi l'avrebbe mai detto!) per primi.

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